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Concordia Wind Orchestra

Music Department

Concordia Wind Orchestra

Dr. Jeff Held, music director

Rehearsals: Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 3:30-5:15

Dr. Jeff Held

Dr. Jeff Held

Music Director

Prospective students are invited to apply for music scholarships. 所有康考迪亚管弦乐团在每学期开始时都接受新成员. Any student with interest should contact the Music Director.

Performances: app. 15 per year, including Fall and Spring Concerts in the CU Center, Concordia Christmas Concerts, worship services at area congregations and on campus, Commencement, Family Pops Concert, and other special concerts/events

国内游:近期目的地:圣地亚哥,拉斯维加斯,北加州,凤凰城,圣. Louis, Indianapolis, Michigan, and Texas

International Tours: The CWO performed at the Eiffel Tower, 美国诺曼底登陆仪式和奥马哈海滩,以帮助纪念2019年诺曼底登陆75周年. 然后,他们在荷兰几座最重要的大教堂举行了音乐会. A full summary is available at

主要曲目:每年,CWO都会在管乐队曲目中演奏最高标准的音乐.   值得注意的是,CWO在10年的时间里演奏了阿尔弗雷德·里德(Alfred Reed)的全部交响曲.

Auditions: Interested students should contact the director (email) to discuss joining the ensemble.  Prospective students may audition for a music scholarship.

私人课程:作为一个主要的外联合奏与高绩效标准, CWO的所有成员都必须至少在康考迪亚学习一段时间的私人课程. Music lesson tuition is steeply discounted for CWO members.

主要曲目:每年,CWO都会在管乐队曲目中演奏最高标准的音乐. 值得注意的是,CWO已经完成了阿尔弗雷德·里德所有五部交响曲的循环.

新音乐:作为其艺术成就合奏的一部分, the CWO regularly performs new music, and aids in its creation. CWO最近参与的委托包括:《十大正规赌平台平台》(弗兰克·蒂切利的长笛协奏曲), Diversions for Solo Clarinet and Wind Ensemble (Robert Spittal), 《菲律宾十大网赌网站》圣诞大合唱(克雷格·奈勒). 每年,CWO委托一些神圣的作品用于礼拜场所.

敬拜音乐:CWO的使命远远超出了典型的大学管乐队. Through its work in worship services, hymn festivals, and sacred-themed concerts, 圣歌乐团通过其受委托的圣歌伴奏和其他礼仪音乐为教会服务.

Community: Students in the CWO form a very close, 支持社区的朋友,每个人都有不同的学术兴趣和音乐经验背景.  Half of the ensemble consists of music majors.  康考迪亚大学可以成功地为音乐学生准备研究生水平的学习, 与此同时,它也为非专业人士提供了一个独特的机会,让他们在最高水平上表现出色, 与音乐家并肩为职业生涯做准备.

Recent Concerts:


康考迪亚大学的乐器演奏家的演出日程安排得很满. 参加康考迪亚管乐团只是许多学生演出组合的一部分, which include handbells, choirs, worship bands, and additional instrumental ensembles. 许多成员还在康科迪亚交响乐团接受任务, Concordia Brass, and the Concordia Jazz Orchestra.

Concordia's music majors and some non-majors perform solo recitals. 许多音乐专业的学生(以及一些非专业的学生)选择在大三的时候进行半场独奏会,在大四的时候进行一场完整的独奏会. 独奏会是需要长期规划的巨大的高潮项目, focus, close work with a studio teacher mentor, musical collaboration, and recital production. In addition to recitals, 康科迪亚器乐演奏家活跃于唱诗班的独奏伴奏, chapel performers, 以及当地教会和其他音乐组织的表演者.

CWO Performs

Concordia Wind Orchestra performing on stage

Minor Alterations

CWO performing with choir

Hymn setting: Christ Alone the World's Redeemer


Sakura Movement III

Minor Alterations (David Lovrien)
Hymn setting: Christ Alone the World's Redeemer (Alex Guebert '10)
Movement III from Alfred Reed's 5th Symphony ("Sakura")

Assistant Dean - School of Arts & 科学,艺术活动主任,音乐教授,器乐活动主任

Dr. Jeff Held


"A very strong musical personality."
(Dr. 格伦·普莱斯(辛辛那提音乐学院管乐团指挥)

杰夫·赫尔德是康考迪亚管乐团和康考迪亚小交响乐团的音乐总监, 以及艺术活动总监和艺术与科学学院(音乐)副院长, theatre, and art). 他于2005年加入康考迪亚大学,并在该大学建立了大部分现有的管弦乐项目.

Dr. 他获得波士顿大学音乐教育专业的音乐艺术博士学位. 他的研究兴趣是比较大型和小型大学音乐专业的学习氛围. 他在南俄勒冈大学的美国乐队学院获得硕士学位,在瓦尔帕莱索大学获得音乐学士学位. 此外,他还完成了欧文康考迪亚大学的路德教教学座谈会. 他的职业生涯始于奥兰治路德高中的乐队指挥和音乐系主席, where he established a prominent concert band, jazz band, and handbell ensemble. 赫尔德以其创新的有管弦乐和人声的赞美诗节而闻名全国, sacred-theme concerts, implementation of new music for wind band in worship, involvement with the Association of Lutheran Church Musicians, 以及他作为路德会音乐项目(路德会夏季音乐学院和其他音乐项目)董事会成员的工作。.


  • D.M.A. Music Education – Boston University
  • M.A. 艺术与文学-美国乐队学院(南俄勒冈大学)
  • B.A. Music – Valparaiso University
  • Lutheran Teaching Certificate – Concordia University (Irvine, CA)


  • Conductor, Concordia Wind Orchestra
  • Conductor, Concordia Sinfonietta
  • Instrumental Conducting Methods and Rehearsal Techniques
  • MUS 112: Music in the Liberal Arts
  • AART 201: Integrated Arts
  • MUS 312: Brass Techniques
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